Real Estate Marlon-Miami REAL ESTATE RETREAT!

Check out some of the highlights from our March Real Estate Retreat!

Our Real Estate retreats features great investors from all over the country speaking on a range of real estate topics. The event is a very intimate event and limited to 15 people. Great event to attend if your looking to take your real estate business to the next level!

For more information on the event, please email me at with “Mastermind” in the subject line.

Real Estate Marlon-THE ALAMO PROJECT

Check out this beautiful transformation! Property now listed on market!

Check out this beautiful transformation! Property now listed on market!

I am Marlon Wilson, known as Real Estate Marlon. I invest in Houston, Tx and all of the surrounding counties. I also offer real estate coaching/mentoring throughout the country. I specialize in Wholesale Real Estate, Rehabbing and Rentals. Feel free to follow me at :


Matthias Giraud – Jumping in Iceland (Video post)

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